
This package helps to generate posterior samples using Gibbs sampling algorithm from a specified multivariate probability distribution when direct sampling is difficult. This Julia package supports MH and HMC based algorithms with different automatic differentiation backends.

Gibbs Sampling

gibbs(alg, sample_alg, logJoint::Function;  
	revt = [reverse_transform for _ in 1:find_var_count(sample_alg)],
	itr = 100, burn_in = Int(round(itr*sample_alg[:n_grp]*0.2)),
	chain_type=:default, progress = true
) where {T <: Distribution}

To generate posterior samples using Gibbs sampling algorithm


  • alg :MCMC algorithms based on structs defined in this package as vector eg: alg = [MH()]
  • sample_alg :A dictionary maps alg to parameter groups index and it contains proposal distribution

if required by the sampling algorithm.

Eg: sample_alg = Dict( :n_grp => 1, 1 => Dict( :type => :ind, :n_vars => 1, 1 => Dict( :proposal => MvNormal(zeros(2),1.0), :n_eles => 2, :alg => 1 ) ) )

Here key is the paramter group and first index in the value (Vector) maps to alg index. Second index in the sample_alg is the proposal distribution. This not mandatory.

  • logJoint :Log PDF as a function

Keyword Arguments

  • itr :Number of iterations
  • burn_in :Burn in from samples
  • chain_type :Sample chain type. default value is :default. Samples chains formated using MCMCChain.jl

by choosing chain_type as :mcmcchain

  • progress :To show the sampling progress. Default value is true.
  • param_names :To specify parameter names


  • chn :Generated samples

sample_alg parameter configuration

sample_alg contains the information regarding parameter groups, mapping MCMC sampling algorithms defined in alg parameter for each group, independent and dependent sampling. The sample_alg should be defined as a dictionary with certain keys and values. One example is shown below:

alg = [MH(), adHMC()]

sample_alg = Dict(
	:n_grp => 2,
	1 => Dict(
		:type => :ind,
		:n_vars => 2,
		1 => Dict(
			:proposal => MvNormal(zeros(2),1.0),
			:n_eles => 2,
			:alg => 1
		2 => Dict(
			:proposal => Normal(0.0,1.0),
			:n_eles => 1,
			:alg => 1
	2 => Dict(
		:type => :dep,
		:n_vars => 2,
		:alg => 2,
		1 => Dict(
			:proposal => MvNormal(zeros(3),1.0),
			:n_eles => 3
		2 => Dict(
			:proposal => Normal(0.0,1.0),
			:n_eles => 1
  • :n_grp key defines the number of parameter groups, and in this example, two groups exist. Then each group is defined keys with continuous numbers, here 1 and 2.

Each group information is again stored in a dictionary, and it also contains many keys. Then each parameter is defined keys with continuous numbers, here 1 and 2.

  • The key :type is to select parallel sampling of parameters or for group sampling, and it has two options :ind and :dep.
- The value `:ind` chooses parallel sampling of group parameters. Each parameter in this group is sampled independently by selecting previous values. Then all group parameters will be joined together to form the next sample. 
- If `:type` is `:dep`, those group parameter sampled together to generate the next sample.
  • n_vars defines the number of parameters in each group.
  • :alg contains the index of the MCMC sampling algorithm defined in the alg parameter. If :type value is :ind then, it is possible to sample each parameter using different samplers. So, it is not required to define :alg key in :ind groups.

Each parameter information is again stored in a dictionary, and it also contains many keys.

  • :proposal : Proposal distribution of that parameter. It is mandatory for MH based sampling; however, it is not required for adHMC or adNUTS based sampling.

  • :n_eles: Number of elements in each parameter.

  • :alg: If group :type is :ind, then we have to define MCMC sampling algorithm with each parameter with :alg key.